Wednesday 20 June 2012

First post. Being in the main the first post

First of all a big Hi to anyone reading this.

I shall say a goodbye in advance now to the 99% of people who stumble on this and immediately navigate to something far more interesting within seconds of realizing what the
subject matter is if it were not apparent from the off. To those people I apologize in advance if the name led you to believe this blog was some sort of saucy cavalcade of non-stop erotica, rather than the putrid ramblings relating to oddly shaped dice, exorbitantly priced card and plastic and general geekery that it really is.

If you saw the words "role-playing" and envisaged something exciting and carnal I am afraid that there is pretty much nothing sexy within and the only safewords you will ever need to utter here are (as you will no doubt be aware if you have ever been inside a gaming store) "Deodorant! for the love of God Deodorant!"

If by some miracle you are still reading this, then I suppose on the off chance it should be of interest an explanation of the name.............. 

Essentially in the early stages of our relationship when my partner found out that my overtly geeky behaviour extended to RPG's and wargaming she asked if I was the type of "gamer" who "wore a cloak" (it turns out she knew a few LARP'ers at uni). I flatly denied this as I do not, but the mantle (hah-see what i did there) of cloak-wearing stuck. To this day when I announce I am on my way out to my weekly gaming session she will tell our daughter to ask daddy if he has his cloak.

So there you have it, a reason for the rather odd name-a rather "you had to be there" answer I shall grant you, but never-the-less. Count yourself lucky, it could just as easily have been called (thanks to a bit in a Red Dwarf episode-bonus points if you can tell me which one) Tales of the Soapy Frogs and the rampant Wildebeest.............

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